감동, 마음이 움직이는 것

[영어표현] 본문

Academic trainings/Academic Writing & Paper arXiv


Struggler J. 2017. 1. 27. 01:40

[1] the model introduced in the paper [14] =>  the model introduced [14]

[2] the reproduction, the death => reproduction, death

[3] due to the limit of the resources => due to the limitation of resources

limit는 허용 최대치 (speed limit), limitation은 제한, 장애, 제약 조건 http://gina5.com/20199949343

[4] inverse function of the payoff => inverse of the payoff

[5] Don't write too long sentence (in my case, it is hard to convey clearly when I write long sentence.)

[6] Don't use the terminology without definition in advance or explanation.

[7] Don't use "you". Use "We" or "One" instead of "you"

[8] Don't explain which colored line means. It has to be placed in the caption of the figure.

[9] the reproduction => reproduction: Usage of "the"; 앞에서 설명한 것이나 절대적인 명사(태양)같은 게 아닌이상  "the" 쓰지 말 것.