목록Tips (Utility, Computer Language, and etc.) (201)
감동, 마음이 움직이는 것
There are various diversity indices:http://www.tiem.utk.edu/~gross/bioed/bealsmodules/shannonDI.html DIVERSITY INDICES DIVERSITY INDICES: SHANNON'S H AND E Introduction: A diversity index is a mathematical measure of species diversity in a community. Diversity indices provide more information about community composition than simply species richness (i.e., the number of www.tiem.utk.edu Simple an..
이것도 어디서 본건데 못 찾겠다. 그분이 템플렛을 엄청 잘 만들어주셔서 그냥 맨날 그거 바꿔서 쓰고 있음 \usepackage{arydshln} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{matrix,decorations.pathreplacing,calc} \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=),row sep=0.5cm,column sep=0.5cm] (m) { ~&~&~&~\\ ~&~&~&~\\ ~&~&~&~\\ ~&~&~&~\\}; \draw[dashed] ($0.5*(m-1-2.north east)+0.5*(m-1-3.north west)$) -- ($0.5*(m-4-2..
인터넷에서 보고 가져다 쓴건데 페이지가 뭐였는지 찾을 수 없다... ㅎㅎ 일단 내 코드... \newcommand*{\Scale}[2][4]{\scalebox{#1}{\ensuremath{#2}}}% \begin{equation} \boldsymbol{\kappa}=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} \alpha& & \Scale[1.8]{\beta} \\ &\ddots& \\ \Scale[1.8]{\beta} & & \alpha \end{array} \right). \end{equation} \newcommand*{\Scale}[2][4]{\scalebox{#1}{\ensuremath{#2}}} \begin{equation} \boldsymbol{\kappa}=\left( \begin{arr..
equation mode에서 symbol을 bold로 하려고 하면 mathbf가 아니라 boldsymbol를 사용해야 한다. https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/595/how-can-i-get-bold-math-symbols How can I get bold math symbols? To make Latin-letter variables bold I can use e.g. \mathbf{a}, but while putting Greek letters or symbols such as \nabla inside \mathbf doesn't cause any errors or warnings, it also doesn't do anyt... tex.stackexchange...
https://oktopbang.tistory.com/entry/sge-qsub-qstat-qdel [sge] sge qsub, qstat, qdel 1. job 제출 $> qsub [jobname] $> qsub -cwd [jobname] # 현재 디렉토리에 STDOUT, STDERROR 씀. $> qsub -j y [jobname] # STDOUT, STDERROR 를 같은 파일에 씀. $> qsub -q [queuename] [jobname] # 지정된 que.. oktopbang.tistory.com https://oktopbang.tistory.com/entry/sge-qsub-qstat-qdel [sge] sge qsub, qstat, qdel 1. job 제출 $> qsub [jobname]..
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43161383/stage-only-deleted-files-with-git-add/45959365 Stage only deleted files with git add I have run git status and see several modified files and several deleted files. Is it possible to stage only deleted or only modified files? stackoverflow.com git ls-files --deleted | xargs git add git ls-files --deleted | xargs git add
아무리 찾아봐도 안나와서 그냥 object rectangle로 그려넣음. set object rectangle from -1,0 to 0,100 behind fc rgb '#3ABEEE' fillstyle solid noborder set object rectangle from -1,0 to 0,100 behind fc rgb '#3ABEEE' fillstyle solid noborder
이 블로그에 엄청 유용한 거 많음! http://gnuplot-tricks.blogspot.com/ Gnuplot tricks gnuplot-tricks.blogspot.com
[출처] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3503879/assign-output-of-os-system-to-a-variable-and-prevent-it-from-being-displayed-on Assign output of os.system to a variable and prevent it from being displayed on the screen I want to assign the output of a command I run using os.system to a variable and prevent it from being output to the screen. But, in the below code ,the output is sent to the scr..
for loop in command line: for i in {1..100}; do echo http://www.example.com/${i}.jpg; done https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7165774/terminal-commands-for-loop-with-echo Terminal Commands: For loop with echo I've never used commands in terminal like this before but I know its possible. How would I for instance write: for (int i = 0; i