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[n sphere] spherical coordinates 본문

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[n sphere] spherical coordinates

Struggler J. 2016. 10. 27. 04:46

n-sphere  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-sphere]

Spherical coordinates

We may define a coordinate system in an n-dimensional Euclidean space which is analogous to the spherical coordinate system defined for 3-dimensional Euclidean space, in which the coordinates consist of a radial coordinate,  and n − 1 angular coordinates  where  ranges over radians (or over [0, 360) degrees) and the other angles range over  radians (or over [0, 180] degrees). If  are the Cartesian coordinates, then we may compute  from  with:

Except in the special cases described below, the inverse transformation is unique:

where if  for some  but all of  are zero then  when , and  radians (180 degrees) when .

There are some special cases where the inverse transform is not unique;  for any  will be ambiguous whenever all of  are zero; in this case  may be chosen to be zero.