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[gnuplot] HSV to RGB 본문

Tips (Utility, Computer Language, and etc.)

[gnuplot] HSV to RGB

Struggler J. 2018. 3. 23. 02:44

unset tics

set size ratio 1


init =  2./3

final = 1.

Hue(x, y) = y/(x+y)*(final-init)+init

B(x,y) = (log(a*(x+y))+1)/(log(a)+1)

f(x, y) = hsv2rgb( Hue(x, y), 1, B($3,$4))

#data cols: coordination-x, coordination-y, coorperator density, defector density

plot 'data.d'  u 1:2:(f($3,$4)/256/256):((f($3,$4)%(256*256))/256):(f($3, $4)%(256)) w rgbimage t ""